The Gaze of a Parisienne
Conversation between the artist Eva Jospin and Maia Morgensztern
Paris – London, there we find the artist Eva Jospin.
Her presence is concretized in the English artistic landscape. Today for a talk in front of a crowd of amateurs, reunited by Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre for her club Spirit Now and next March, his trees, which, in France, attract her the recognition of the public, exercised part of exhibition of the Hayward Gallery Parmi les arbres, Ralf Rugoff, her charismatic director, curator of the Venice Biennale, is present in the assembly.The forest has become a celebrity today in our contemporary world. Eva Jospin foresaw this movement of society, « What are trees dreaming about? which became a best seller. The Cartier Foundation exhibits on Nous les Arbres and the rich countries are mobilizing against the deforestation of the Amazon. The Dreamer of the Zadkine Museum Forest exhibits Eva Jospin’s Black Forest in bronze, another favorite material. The forests of Eva Jospin refer to the founding myth of the forest « dark and obscure » to resume the first lines of the Hell of Dante: it is at the same time the place of our anxieties but also that of the pagan and sacred celebrations, pillar from heaven, as in the spirit of the ancient Saxons.